Grant Funding Services

Grant Funding Services

Securing and managing grants that fund your programs and services can be a stressful, complicated process. The countless number of funder meetings, submission deadlines, reporting requirements, and paperwork can be quite overwhelming Build to Thrive can guide you through the process. You can win more grants, establish a collaborative culture in your organization, and cultivate relationships with more grant-making institutions. We will free you to focus on fulfilling the mission of your organization.

Why You Need Grant Funding Services

We help you pursue grants for all types of organizational needs. Start-up and capital grants are frequently pursued grant types. However, you also need to pursue general operating, technical assistance, programs and project grants. 

Build to Thrive consultants will  remain vigilant and active in all phases of the grant process: research, composition, submission and review, award, implementation and tracking, and reporting. All phases require that you build organizational capacity in order to achieve success.

We will help you build a successful grant funding program that begins with strategic planning and follows with program development, grant design, and effective tracking.

Why You Need Grant Funding Services

We will begin by developing a strategy that is owned by the key stakeholders in your organization. Opportunities will grow when the team develops strategy, identifies grant opportunities, implements specific grant awards and evaluates the success of projects. Get it right, and the process of future grant proposals will be streamlined.

With the weight of grant funding off your shoulders, you will be able to focus on fulfilling the mission of your organization. 

Securing and managing grants that fund your programs and services does not have to be a stressful complicated process. Build to Thrive consultants will help you establish both the process and the team.

Get Started Today

We’d love the opportunity to work with your organization.  If you would like more information on this, or any of our services, fill out the form on our contact page, and one of our team will reach out.

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