Major Gift Fundraising

At Build to Thrive we know that the most effective way to grow your organization‘s reach is to invest strategically in your fund development program.  Furthermore, while organizations should have a good number of funding sources and programs, the most rewarding investment is in acquiring, retaining and growing major donors.

Prospering charity organizations can receive up to 90% of donation income from 10% of donors. Major gifts are the lifeblood of fundraising efforts. Strategically, small and mid-level donor programs are very important and fulfill a great purpose when there are intentional designs to grow donor partnership to increase your mission’s impact in the future.

Nonprofit executives understand the importance of this major donor partnership but do not have the strategies, teams, and processes to succeed. In fact, most major gifts “just happen.” The donor initiates the gift for reasons that were not cultivated through planned initiatives of the development team.

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We’d love the opportunity to work with your organization.  If you would like more information on this, or any of our services, fill out the form on our contact page, and one of our team will reach out.

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